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ETYMOLOGY: It comes from the Latin "magnes" (magnetic) due to the magnetic properties of pyrolusite [MnO2].
MINERAL CLASS: Native element.
HARDNESS: Variable, 2 in the fluffy and earthy varieties, 5-6 for the crystalline ones
FIELDS: Brasil, Rusia, Australia, Gabón y la India
MINERALOGY: It is generally found in crystalline or cryptocrystalline whole earths, sometimes in the form of radial acicular aggregates, never found in nature in the native state. Manganese is easily oxidized in the air to form a brown oxide layer, so it usually occurs in the form of oxides and also in the form of silicates and carbonates. The most commonly used ore in the industry is Pirolusite (MnO2), 63% of manganese, but others such as braunite (MnS12O3) of 69%, rhodonite, rhodochrosite, etc.
Manganese is a trace element, that is, an essential chemical element for all life forms:
It is important in oxygenic photosynthesis in plants.
Manganese capture by humans mostly takes place through food, such as spinach, tea and herbs. Meals that contain the highest concentrations are grains and rice, soybean seeds, eggs, nuts, olive oil, green beans and oysters.
For animals Manganese is an essential component of about 36 enzymes that are used for carbohydrate, protein and fat metabolism.
MYTHOLOGY: It was discovered in 1774 by Swedish chemist Carl Wilhelm Scheele (1742-1786). The Oceanic floor is an enormous source of manganese, more precisely 24% of the manganese of the Earth is there. Manganese dioxide has been found in rock paintings (giving a black color). They have also been used throughout history, for example by the Egyptians and Romans, manganese compounds to discolor the glass or color it. Likewise, manganese has been found in the iron mines used by the Spartans, and it is thought that this may be due to the special hardness of their steels. It consumes more than 95% of world production of manganese.
PROPERTIES:Black minerals absorb all of the light and are therefore adequate to extract exedentary energy. From an energy point of view, pain is generated where a blockage appears and black minerals absorb this excess energy, after which the pain disappears and a relaxation is established. Mentally eliminates tensions, black minerals provide safety and stability and keeps mental deviations away and focuses our attention essentially.
CHAKRAS: Sacral.
ZODIAC SIGN: Capricorn
USES: The chemical composition of manganese ore determines its different industrial uses: Manganese is mainly consumed in the steel industry, in the manufacture of dry batteries, and in chemical uses, in The production of steel, ferro-manganese alloys, manganese is used as a purifying agent is used to rid impurity iron ore, glass decolorizing, obtaining salts of Manganese, catalyst in paintings and varnishes, to make coins.