MINERALOGY: Amethyst belongs to the crystalline quartz, the color is mainly due to traces of iron deposited in the crystal lattice. Hydrothermal origin is from a silicic acid solution with low iron content formed in cavities made by gas bubbles in volcanic rock cavities coated amethyst crystals called drusen amethyst.
MYTHOLOGY: The Greeks and Romans drank cups of amethyst to prevent drunkenness, in middle age, Conrad of Megenberg (1309-1374 scholar, naturalist, Roman Catholic German writer), rightly classified the amethyst as a mineral "it makes the brave people, with wisdom and wards off evil thoughts," The Jewelry Magnificent mid-Victorian (1860-1880): the Grand period coincided with the death of Albert, husband of Queen Victoria, pushing her mourning period. Certain pieces of jewelry from Grand period have a tenuous, austere and sombre design. Known as the mourning jewelry, these pieces stand out as having heavy and dark stones, such as amethyst among others, Catherine the Great of Russia and many nobles throughout history also used amethysts.
PROPERTIES: Perfect for meditation, protects against negative energies from the environment. Give support to cope with the losses, enhances memory and improves motivation. It also calms the recurring nightmares and hate, rage or anger. This stone facilitates decision, enhances the assimilation of new ideas, opens intuition, it is a relaxing stone.