Oxperta 24h. (Península) 670-61-16-63 cmd@cristalljoia.com No coração de Barcelona e online
Sterling silver
Provides safety, protection stimulates concentration. Green minerals have a harmonizing and neutralizing effect. Green releases feelings, increases speed and responsiveness and arouses interest and enthusiasm. Green brings initiative and will to live, stimulates the sense and the capacity of perception and directs our attention to the material world. Green minerals help to deal with "poisons of the spirit", that is to say negative considerations and encourage healthy optimism. Green is indeed the color of hope.
Sterling silver
Provides safety, protection stimulates concentration. Green minerals have a harmonizing and neutralizing effect. Green releases feelings, increases speed and responsiveness and arouses interest and enthusiasm. Green brings initiative and will to live, stimulates the sense and the capacity of perception and directs our attention to the material world. Green minerals help to deal with "poisons of the spirit", that is to say negative considerations and encourage healthy optimism. Green is indeed the color of hope.