Volcanic lava

ETYMOLOGY: Comes from the Italian lava, derived both from the neapolitan dialect, flush from the latin verb labi "slide or slip" originated from the Indo-European root "freely falling".


MINERALOGY: Lava is magma during its ascent through the crust, reaches the surface. Usually temperatures between 700 ° C and 1200 ° C, in their rise lava experience: atmospheric pressures that make waste gases containing environmental ascenso. Temperaturas responsible for their rapid cooling, a rock formed from lava It has crystals that are indistinguishable to the naked eye (vitreous aphanitic or texture).



Some types of washes are:

Andesita.- Volcanic rock which is equivalent plutonic diorite. It consists essentially of plagioclase. SiO2 content is between 52% and 63%. The temperature emission andesites ranging from 900 to 1,100 ° C.

Dacita.- Rich volcanic rock plagioclase and SiO2 content between 63 and 68%. Their emission temperature is between 800 and 1,000 ° C

Traquita.- Volcanic rock rich in potassium feldspar (sanidine) whose plutonic equivalent of syenite.

Fonolita.- Volcanic rock formed by alkali feldspar.

Riolita. - Volcanic-plutonic rock whose equivalent is granite. The percentage of SiO2 is about 70%. Their emission temperature varies between 700 and 800 ° C. Obsidian is often present at Rhyolite.

A special type of lava is carbonatite (Lengay volcano) whose composition makes it changes color after a few weeks of being issued. Carbonatite is broadcast to 500 ° C however presenting a great fluidity. Its color is clear black metal substantially over time.

Bibliography: Pablo Higueras Higueras (University of Castilla-La Mancha), and Roberto Muñoz Oyarzun (Complutense University of Madrid)


MYTHOLOGY: The term was first used by Francesco Serao to refer to the expulsion of magma in the eruption of Vesuvius that occurred between May 14 and June 4, 1737.1. In the Greek mythology, it was the volcano Etna inside which the forges of Hephaestus, who worked in the company of Cyclops and giant stood. The monstrous Typhon lay beneath this mountain, which caused frequent earthquakes and eruptions of smoke and lava.

PROPERTIES: It is said that the lava helps release the oppressed feelings, provides vitality and acute survival instinct, reinforced the feelings of security and confidence, mentally removes tensions, black minerals provide security and stability and keeps them from mental deviations and concentrates our attention on the essentials.




USES: Used in construction, meditation, collection, jewelery.

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